Sports in India refer to a variety of games played in India. Cricket without any doubt is among the top 10 sports played in India. In Terms of Popularity and Obsession Cricket gained as religion of the country. Cricket is like a obsession in India and besides that Hockey is our National sport. But if we talk about the true verdict the future of Indian sports cannot be dictated by Cricket alone other sports has to rise to meet their true potential and if it happens it will definitely change the minds of Indians toward games.
Most Played Popular Sports in India
1. Cricket
2. Football
3. Kabaddi
4. Badminton
5. Hockey
6. Tennis
7. Wrestling
8. Boxing
9. Motorsports
10. Basketball
Most Popular Sport Cricket
The Popularity of Cricket in India can’t be compared with any other sport. If we talk about other countries some countries have the same obsession for Football like Brazil and Argentina. But if we talk about the followers of cricket in India it is Uncountable.

Why Cricket is so popular?
There are so many reasons behind the popularity of cricket in India
1. Cricket matched are promoted and telecasted by premium sporting channels.
2. India’s performance in Cricket is the biggest reason from the world cup 1983 to champion’s trophy in 2013 India bags the top prize in International cricket which gets the popularity of cricket among Indians.
3. Cricketers are getting the fame and exclusivity will lead to the Popularity of the game.
4. India Has Great Cricket Infrastructure. The high availability of cricket training and coaching centres is a huge reason behind the popularity of cricket in India.
5. Cricket enjoys great media coverage exclusively covered in media and print media cricket match becomes the central theme of commercial advertisements. Many cricket players have made huge fortunes by endorsing several products and by appearing in numerous commercials. So cricket is a big business In India.
2. Football- Football is the most popular sport in the world. Our Indian Football Team ranked 106 in the world. Football Popularity in India risen due to the viewers tuning to watch European Football and Indian Super League. West Bengal is the famous Football Hub in India. In west Bengal Football Could Rival Cricket in terms of Popularity. Football is neglected in India because of the unmatched popularity of cricket. In India Cricket is to be religion and Cricketers Gods.
3. Kabaddi– Kabaddi has returned to the centre stage of Indian Sports. It has gained massive reputation and unforeseen rise of the Pro-kabaddi league which is held annually across various cities in India.PKL is the most popular league in India after IPL. It has gained popularity in Rural Areas Due to its obvious popularity there and establishing new viewers slowly emerging for this sport.
4. Badminton- Badminton is a sport of Great Interest but success on international platform is less some rising stars like PV sindhu and Saina Nehwal has won silver and bronze medals in Olympics. After seeing the rise of Indian Talents Indian Badminton association oversaw the institution of the premier badminton league in 2013.
5. Hockey-Hockey is the national sport of India India last won Olympic Gold medal in 1980 Due to in production of Synthetic courts and other reasons India could not maintain the domination and legacy which leads to the downfall of hockey in India. The main reason of collapse of the game is lack of talent in players and less media coverage in India.