Common Messages which are created to steal your money online

Have you ever received message to pay your electricity bill immediately to avoid disconnection or Job selection message. As money transferring to anybody account is easy these days Scammers are playing with you with these common messages. People can send and receive money using UPI across the country. It gives a great opportunity to the scammers to fraud people. Instant messaging are a great form of accepted communication today. Scammers send common messages to people on whatsapp and SMS to steal your hard earned money. Messages which are related to excellent Job opportunity, electricity bills and more which are very common to all the people. Let’s discuss some common messages which can be a scheme of a scammer to steal your money.

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1. Job selection/ Great Job opportunity- Scammers send fake messages of selection in a good job or promise of a high paid job opportunity. These messages will explain that there is a great opportunity waiting for him only great salary is also mentioned in the message further giving a number to the senders where they can send a whatsapp message to claim the opportunity. Message detail be like you have passed the interview salary 20000Please contact to discuss in detail There will be certain changes in type of messages to scam people looking desperately for a job opportunity. Sometimes when you click on the link fraudsters will ask you money for selection. Or it can be a marketing scheme where you would be asked to sign up for a referral program and asked for a registration fee they will tell you to involve more people it is a scam to steal your data. There prime targets are people which will be of age 20 to 29 who are looking for a job opportunity.

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2. Cash Prize/ Lucky draw- it is a common message received on whatsapp or SMS or email which will promise a cash prize/ Lucky draw of KBC  and if you will click on the link they will ask you to share your personal details on whatsapp in order to have money . This type of message will claim that many people have won lakhs of rupees as rewards.  Scammers will asl you to pay a certain amount as processing fees to claim that cash prize. And when the victim deposits the money they start on demanding for more on one pretext or another or the number is not reachable afterwards.

3. Asking for OTP messages- A whatsapp app scam which is trending which involves as customer care will be asking for a six digit otp for updating KYC. People often called you or sending you Sms and asking you to update your KYC otherwise your bank account will be locked and they ask for the 6 digit OTP from your side. Once you will provide the OTP they will access your account and deduct huge amount from your account.

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4. Electricity Bill- People are receiving messages to pay their electricity bill. the message contains a reminder to pay the electricity bill along with a number that belongs to a scammer. If you will call on that number the person will tell you to clear the bill otherwise your connection will be terminated. The message does not come with an authorized source. If you will see there will be grammatical errors in the message. No electricity board will send written texts for bill payments with a number.

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You should be aware about these online messages and traps never share your OTP with anybody and don’t fall in the traps of scammers to win a huge cash price. If you see something unbelievable in message think twice before paying as it could be a big scam to steal your hard earned money.