Ayurvedic soaps offer a clean and bright skin look with no side effects on the skin. if you are having delicate skin you can choose ayurvedic soaps for your skin clarity and brightness lets discuss list of best Ayurvedic soaps available in Indian Market. You have to check the ingredients list before making the selection of ayurvedic soap. We have to follow those brands who offer skin friendly ingredients in their products.
Popular Ayurvedic soaps available in the market
1. Himalaya– Himalaya Ayurvedic soaps nourishes the skin and improves complexion. It is specially made up with ingredients like Kanaka Taila A pure Ayurvedic Oil which has a unique formulation which nourishes the skin and helps in improving the complexion in a great way. It reduces the blemishes and dark spots and gently nourishes and protects the skin
2. Kama Ayurveda- These Ayurvedic range soaps are Full of herbs like Nagakesara, Kamala, Yashtimadhu, Priynagu , Manjishta, Rakta Chandana and Tila taila this Ayurvedic soap is best for your skin and gently protects the skin and provides the natural Glow.
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3. ChanDrika Ayurvedic Handmade Soap- it has double the amount of coconut oil with the other Ayurvedic herbs which gently treats the skin problem and gives you clear smooth and beautiful skin.it is a handmade soap enriched with the goodness of coconut oil with other ayurvedic tails like lemon Peel Oil and wild ginger Oil. This soap will help you to treat common skin problems like pimples, dark spots ,rashes and pigmentation.
4. Biotique Bio- Biotique is a renowed name in Indian Market. They provide chemical free formula with no cosmetic qualities.. it contains basil which heals and refreshes our skin. It removes the extra dirt from the oil and gives a healthy Glow it will also maintain the PH balance of the skin.
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5. Medimix- it is one of the best soap for pimples it is one of the essential herbs prescribed as Ayurveda. it has a unique combination of unique herbs and essential herbs which will take care of the acne, blemishes and spots. It will provide the natural Glow and unwanted skin irritation and infections.