Popular Books sold on Amazon

Books are roads images Pictures and create memories in our mind. They are the perfect destination and journey so books are our best buddy. If you are going on a journey or getting bored at home books are the perfect entertainment they have the power to influence you inspires you and changed your life completely. Some people read book just for time pass. Some people gain information by reading books. Amazon has a large collection of Books online. Lest discuss one of the popular books sold on Amazon.

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1. Atomic Habits: The life-changing million copy bestseller – This is extremely practical and useful book. The author distils the fundamental information about habit formation so you can accomplish more by focusing on less. People say  when you want to change your life you need to  set big goals.  But they are wrong there is one simpler process to transform your life tiny changes will help you to get 1 percent better every day. The unexpected Power of 2 minute rule or the trick of entering the goldilocks Zone and delves in to cutting edge psychology to explain why they matter. The author explains the stories of Olympic gold medalists leading CEOs and distinguished scientists who have used the science of small habits to stay productive , motivated and happy.

2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – this remarkable book by Dr. Joseph Murphy  one of the Pioneering Voices of affirmative Thinking  will unlock for you the truly  staggering powers of your subconscious mind. Combining  time honored spiritual wisdom with cutting edge  scientific research  he explains  how the subconscious mind influences every single thing that you do and how by understanding it and learning to control  its incredible force  you can improve the quality  of your daily life  everything from the promotion you wanted and the raise you think you deserve to overcoming phobias  and bad habits and improving relationships it will open the world of happiness  success and prosperity  and peace for you.

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3. The Psychology of Money – This book gives timeless lessons on wealth, Greed and happiness doing well with money  it is not necessarily about what you know its about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach  even to really smart people  how to manage money  invest it  and make business decisions  are typically considered to involve a lot of mathematical calculations and business decisions  but in real world  people don’t make financial decisions on a spread sheet. They make them on dinner table or in a meeting room  where personal history and unique view of the world  ego, pride , marketing  and odd incentives are scrambled together here the author shares 19 stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important matters

4. Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life- it is an international bestseller Book Ikigai is a Japanese word for a reason to live  or a reason to jump  out of bed in the morning. It’s the place where your needs, desires ambitions and satisfaction meet. A place of balance  small wonder that  finding your ikigai  is closely linked to living longer  finding your ikigai is closely linked to living longer finding your ikigai  is easier than you might think  this book is quite helpful  what your own Ikigai really is  and equip  you to change your life  you have a purpose in this world your skills  your interests  your desires and your history  have made you perfect  candidate for something.

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 5. Life’s Amazing Secrets: Life Amazing secrets book explains the start growing through life. While navigating their way through Mumbai’s traffic Gaur Gopal and his wealthy young friend harry get talking delving concepts ranging from the human condition to finding ones purpose in life and key to lasting happiness.  Whether you are looking at strengthening your relationships, discovering your true potential understanding how to do well at work or even how you can give back to the world the debut book of Gaur Gopal D shares his experiences and lessons about life in to light hearted thought provoking book that will help you align yourself with the life you want to live