The Top 5 Weather Apps Can Help You Get Through A Bad Day!

In most cases, weather applications are a lifesaver. Before venturing outside in gloomy weather, people frequently turn to these top weather apps. In the summer, you should examine the lowest and maximum temperatures as well as the best time to go outside. During the monsoon, it is important to determine if the rain will get heavier during the next few hours. This assists you in deciding if you need to leave for work that day. Additionally, these programmes provide notifications for hurricanes, storms, sunsets, and sunrises.

1. Accuweather-One of the most popular applications for comprehending weather forecasts is AccuWeather. Additionally, it has received recognition from the World Meteorological Organization for “Best Weather Warnings,” “Best User Interface and Data Representation,” and more. It will provide you advance alerts against weather conditions. You can personalize the app as per parameters of your desire.

2. The weather channel-Radar-One of the most well-known weather applications you may have come across is The Weather Channel. Due to the application’s improved functionality and usability, many mobile phones already have it installed. You also receive a general idea of the local weather conditions that are in effect, including forecasts for nearby storms or downpours. One standout feature of the app is that it alerts you to any potential flu or allergy situations that your location may experience based on the weather forecast. It will provide real time rain alerts and projects air quality index in the area.

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3. Weather Live-Local forecast- One of the few apps that focuses on local forecasts for your area is Weather Live°, which is another contender for the title of greatest weather app. In addition, the app displays a variety of characteristics, such as humidity, rain, air quality, temperatures, and much more. The widget may also be specifically tailored for your screen if you have an Apple watch. It will provide 14 day weather forecast and ad free user experience.

4. Mausam App by IMD- In order to give seamless and user-friendly access to the weather products accessible on, the India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India, has created the MAUSAM mobile application. Users may obtain radar photos, predictions, observed weather, and proactive weather event warnings. Under the auspices of the Monsoon Mission programme of MoES, the Digital Agriculture & Youth (DAY) team of ICRISAT and the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) are working together to create and implement the app.

5. weather and radar-Using information from a variety of sources, including satellite data, offers one of the most accurate weather depictions. You may specify a preferred custom location so that you receive immediate information regarding weather warnings in that region. There are more than 50 weather maps and tools available. You can anticipate more information about the weather thanks to some of the greatest weather applications now available worldwide.

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The data is provided in line with the NASA and Copernicus data and 55000 webcams that give more authenticity to the application. It will provide detail weather forecast with high resolution satellite images and Monitors multiple parameters in a go