Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth lets discuss some facts and requirements for marriage in a vastu way. The almighty created man and woman to love and appreciate each other and lead a peaceful life. If you will follow some vastu principles it will make your relationship enjoyable and fruitful.
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1. The southwest corner of the house is the best place for the master bedroom if you want to maintain peace in your love life.
2. According to vastu shastra avoid metal beds and use wooden beds for perfect relationship
3. The bed position should be in the south west corner of the bedroom for better results.
4. Never sleep under the beam as it will put unnecessary pressure and not good for your health.
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5. Paintings that symbolizes death quarrels, Death, violence and negative aspect is not permissible in the bedroom

6. Light green, light rose or blue color is to be preferred for painting of the walls of the bedroom to give the bedroom a soothing and calm effect.
7. Make sure that underground water tank is not in the south west direction.
8. Room of owner should preferably be constructed in south west.
9. Entrance is ideal for north or east direction.
10. Friction between couples and family members is easily started with the food prepared . Placement of kitchen is also very important for any house to have love and affection.
11. don’t keep the aquarium in bedrooms it will lead to material loss.